Par 3 page 5: 'Do you clearly discern the evidence of divine guidance?' What a load of crap! For starters the evidence is clear that the GB can't make its' mind up on which generation Jesus was talking about. Divine guidance, my ASH!
'Jehovah uses his organization to guide us , his people , through " the wilderness " during these last days of Satan's wicked world.' Another load of crap! No offense to 'Jehovah' but JWs would be better off if a blind man was guiding them. OH! Wait. Maybe the GB are blind!
'As a result we enjoy unity, love, and security'. Yah, sure, that's why the Society saw fit to have a study article this past Sunday to remind JWs entitled..... 'Respect Marriage as a Gitft From God'. JW families are falling apart! Regarding family life: The Mormons enjoy more unity, love, and security than the JWs......hands down!
Jehovah's Witnesses are a disgrace to the name 'Jehovah'.
Thank you flipper.